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Prompt #81 Dear (poem)

November 17, 2011

Dear (poem)

We Write Poems:
Write a letter. Write a poem-letter to be specific. Address it to some historic figure you’d like to send a letter. Formal or personal, that’s your choice; you can be “the best of friends” or “respectful strangers”, howsoever you desire. So too the exact form of your letter; it might be more of a prose poem or simply a poem without the usual line breaks, or… We’re not being fussy about the form; it’s your letter after all.

So what might you have to say to George Washington, Alexander or Genghis Khan? Perhaps you might want to write to another writer, even a poet perhaps. Want to suggest a shopping list to Marco Polo? Care to discuss fashion with Marie Curie? Maybe you’ve some advice for Amelia Earhart, or a few things to set right with Pontius Pilate? What topic would you broach with Martin Luther King? That’s just to scratch at a few possibilities. Your letter might be down-to-earth or fanciful – again, your choice.

I think I hear the poem-postman at the door!

We hope you enjoy this somewhat different sort of poem prompt. Next week again, another of our community prompts.

Come back next Wednesday when you see,It’s Post Your Poems Day!” and leave a link to the poem on your blog. If you don’t have a blog, then please, post your poem in the comment itself. *** You are invited to respond to the prompt given here, but if you have something else you’re just itching to share, please feel welcome in doing that. Our first desire here is to encourage you to write and learn and share. *** When leaving comments to other’s poems, please be appreciative and encouraging. We are not a poem “critique” site (unless someone specifically asks for that). Be kind with each other (and yourself!). *** Please consider including a link with your blog poem back to the prompt response here at We Write Poems so that others may see and join our community. More participants do make better soup!

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