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Prompt #69 Formulaic 3 + (x) = Poem

August 25, 2011


Formulaic 3 + (x) = Poem

We Write Poems:  
Amy (who says she doesn’t “do” forms!) suggests this prompt for us.  She also calls it “odd”, but we call it wonderful!  Amy’s prompt she describes as,

    Formulaic: 3 + (x) = Poem.

Three lines, plus (one) in parentheses that informs the lines coming before it.  That’s the form for each stanza of the poem. Simple, huh!  But we love the relationship created by this “plus (one)” added line.  (It’s almost like the poem “talking” with itself!  Or that’s one take on this form at any rate.)  So enjoy, have fun with this!

Thank you to Amy Barlow Liberatore for our fine poem form prompt this week!  Read her original prompt idea and poem for a fine example with her poem posted there.

Come back next Wednesday when you see,It’s Post Your Poems Day!” and leave a link to the poem on your blog. If you don’t have a blog, then please, post your poem in the comment itself.    ***    You are invited to respond to the prompt given here, but if you have something else you’re just itching to share, please feel welcome in doing that. Our first desire here is to encourage you to write and learn and share.    ***    When leaving comments to other’s poems, please be appreciative and encouraging. We are not a poem “critique” site (unless someone specifically asks for that). Be kind with each other (and yourself!).    ***    Please consider including a link with your blog poem back to the prompt response here at We Write Poems so that others may see and join our community. More participants do make better soup!

  1. August 25, 2011 8:07 am

    Oh, Amy. I absolutely love this. As a girl with a big ol’ “parenthetical phrase phase,” this form suits me just fine. Thank you!

  2. August 25, 2011 7:13 pm

    Thanks, babe! Wow, I cannot BELIEVE my form got used! It’s like… I don’t know… a Sally Field/Oscars moment… “You liked it. You really LIKED it!” Thanks for using it, Neil!

    Wait, now I have to write another one… Amy

    • August 27, 2011 9:22 pm

      Funny, very funny Amy! I love your prompt idea.


  1. Friday Freeforall: Come and Get Your Poetry Prompts « Margo Roby: Wordgathering

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